After the Road

The After the road series embarks the transition to canvas as well as the exigency to reinforce narration with the same sense of exploration taking place in the material scale of the whole project.

There has always been an experimentation with surfaces other than paper, but the full transition to canvas took place around the mid 2019. Paper despite its material limitations, has not restricted progress, however, the constant commitment to the project over the years eventually created a greater demand to explore new ground.

The paintings on canvas organically turned into landscapes, with the intention to strengthen the narrative component and connect with the large-scale abstracts, in a creation of an imaginary paroxysmal state, inviting the viewer to venture along a surreal fragmentary route.

The paintings share the same core intention with the large-scale abstracts, that is to devise a parallel cosmos, a fictional world, where the viewer can escape into uncanny scenes and narratives. Colossal or tiny gateways, ghosts and small-scale island-like terrains, in a journey beyond the everyday reality.

The urge to create parallel worlds derives from interpreting the context of the real world that surrounds us. The realm of material reality might often be considered as explored and explained, it remains however fascinating and extraordinary. At the same time despite scientific advances, there has always been space for the fictional, the magical, the otherworldly. So, it is in an in-between space of reality, fiction, dream and nightmare that I wish to invite the viewer with these works, in a mystery of rules half-understood and scenes partly perceived, partly invented, partly imagined.

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